Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hurricane katrina

Because i dont have a TV at my room, i dont follow the news. On monday went i reached the lab, Rosemarry asked if i am prepared for Katrina. I asked, who is Katrina????
She then tell me that Katrina is the hurricane and she is coming to CLEVELAND!!!!! There are flood warning etc.... but i told her that i dont have TV at home thus does not know about Katrina.

She then told me that Katrina will arrive Tomorrow, that night, i went out to get myself a weekly pass for i dont want to ride my bicycles to lab and also get myself an umbrella. On tuesday, it start to rain at 11am, and i thought to myself, hurray my first natural disaster. But to my disappoinment, Katrina only rain for 48 hours with no strong wind or flooding or tearing of building like what she did to NEW ORLEANS (the photo above)

Oh well, i should say i am LUCKY that nothing happened....hehehehe.....


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