Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Beach in the middle of USA????

I was so suprised when i heard ppl say that they went to the beach over the weekend, so i went out with 3 lab ppl on saturday to the beach.

It turn out to be a sandy area next to lake erie, but the water run for 50 miles = about 125Km (i think) and at the end of it is Canada.

was told that the whole lake will freeze in Jan (too bad i wont be around by then) if not i will take photos of the lake when it has frozen.

I forgot to mention that the water is FRESH not SALT water.


At 4:22 AM, Blogger tamanddes said...

Hi Alan

Nice blog..will make a link from ours..
Sounds like you're having fun there..
Des and Tam

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Em.... Murray was saying that you are settling down and started to get into your work. Are you? Sounds like you are.... hee.... :P But, it is good to know you are enjoying yourself.

I wont tell them what you have been doing.

At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Alan,

Seems like you have already settled down in the states and was really having fun over there. All the best and take good care ok!!!

Calvin Lee


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