Friday, August 19, 2005

nice police car

The police car is not for show. they actually use it!!!!!!
They must be as old as my grandfather.........


At 7:06 PM, Blogger case-in-point said...

Classy. This tells me you live in a very safe area - that car ain't going over 80 kmh! (just guessing).

What about that lambergini police car in Italy on D&T's blog?! (forget about tiny alleys, we need to look good!)

Thanks for remembering my b'day. I hope you have a great time :-D.

And keep the photos coming!

At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello neighbour!

Although not next door but we are close... about 1000 miles (14 h of driving) only!

Anyway, glad that you are doing OK.


At 4:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello alan,
jer told me about your blog. it seems that you are enjoying your stay in the states quite much. i am looking forward to your visit next year. :-)



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