Tuesday, November 29, 2005

second thanksgiving dinner

26/11/05 Inna and Ivanda invited me for thanksgiving and i told them that my landlord has invited me and thus they have their thanksgiving dinner on saturday instead of the actual day. They are so sweet :)
Tina I know you will like to know what i have for thanksgiving so i took a picture of it :) but i was so suprise that they are so many dishs for just 4 of us. But i am not complaining, i am HAPPY....

katya, Inna daughter
Ivanda and her pet ferret, also called DODO. I told her that i have a pet ferret whose name is DODO as well. But since mine is 4 years old and hers is only 1.5 My dodo is the first ferret named dodo...hehehehe
Vadim, Inna husband, katya and Inna

Katya with DODO inside a tunnel

Monday, November 28, 2005

Got MUGGED!!!!

sorry guys no picture for this entry.

Yesterday after lab (sunday 1pm) when i exit the clinic and walking back, one black guy was in the carpark next to the exit looking "excited" and eyeing at me.
I ignored him and continue to walk about another 10 to 15 feets when he shout and talk to another two black guys on the road. I thought i better avoid them and walk the other direction, away from the two black guys. The guy from the carpark followed me all the way include my change in direction. So i thought this is not right and start walking faster, the guy started to jog and when he is closer he ask me for money, I say sorry "i dont have any for you".
He then grab me from behind and slam me down onto the road. At that point i have my pepper spray on my hand (have been holding it since he keep following me) so i pull it out and spray him. He run away and back toward his two friends and i quickly enter the clinic sercurity door. I was quite shaken and when i call for help from the intercom, the lady did not understand what i am saying.
To make the whole story short, i enter the clinic, call the police and they made an arrest on one of the guy. But he is not the one who attack me and so they let him go. But the guy is now missing in action for the police pay a visit to his home and he has not been back.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

more pictures of my neighbourhood

on fairmount road
on cedar road, the bus stop where i wait for bus when it is raining
CASE Western University
A very common resident around cleveland
my neighbour

my place

first snow man sighted

my first thanks giving dinner

The landlord is very nice to invite me to her thanks giving dinner with her family.
From the right:
landlord husband, Lee serving the turkey
Don the eldest son, a panio teacher
Micheal the second son, working in a sterilizing biological company

After dinner, the performances by the family band.

From the right:

Katerine, the youngest and only daughter; an artist

Lee Jr. the youngest son, forgot what's he is working as, but he took vocal training when he was younger and thus he is the lead singer in the family band.

Don playing on the electronic organ (did i spell this correctly????)

Micheal, playing the guitar, he used to travel with a performaning band around USA. It is during one of his tour that he met his current wife, michelle

Lee and Micheal playing the table tennis
Guess who won....Lee won 3 out of 3 and micheal refuses to play anymore...hehehehe.....

Thursday, November 24, 2005


when dog walking with the russian at one of the park and they start "harvesting" these fungus.
i help too and thus i got a share of the dish as shown in the first pic.
It must be edible if not i will have been dead by now...hehehehe

simpson fans, u will know what u are looking at

snow and more snow

Finally the real snow is here
These photos are taken 5 hours after the snow started
now u can compare photos of my current resident taken in summer, fall and winter

Thursday, November 17, 2005

First snow day

First snow day, it started at 7am in the morning
can u see the snow?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


empire state building

Toy R US at time sqaure

These pictures were taken at central park

New York New York

ZT and his cousin in New York
Me at empire state building
Me at time square, wow...lots of lights....
I have been hunting for BIG BIG BIG pizza and finally ZT cousin brought me to this pizza place where they sell JUMBO slices. Look at the size of my jumbo pizza, I have folded it into half already!!!!


Dear Friends and Family members, sorry that i did not update my blog since sept. This is because nothing exciting has happened, just lab and more lab.
Anyway, the temperature in Cleveland has drop to an average of around 7 to 10 degree C and thus the leaves has started to fall. Was told that it might snow in about 2 to 3 weeks :) YEAH!!!!
You could scroll down and compared the pictures taken in summer.