Monday, November 28, 2005

Got MUGGED!!!!

sorry guys no picture for this entry.

Yesterday after lab (sunday 1pm) when i exit the clinic and walking back, one black guy was in the carpark next to the exit looking "excited" and eyeing at me.
I ignored him and continue to walk about another 10 to 15 feets when he shout and talk to another two black guys on the road. I thought i better avoid them and walk the other direction, away from the two black guys. The guy from the carpark followed me all the way include my change in direction. So i thought this is not right and start walking faster, the guy started to jog and when he is closer he ask me for money, I say sorry "i dont have any for you".
He then grab me from behind and slam me down onto the road. At that point i have my pepper spray on my hand (have been holding it since he keep following me) so i pull it out and spray him. He run away and back toward his two friends and i quickly enter the clinic sercurity door. I was quite shaken and when i call for help from the intercom, the lady did not understand what i am saying.
To make the whole story short, i enter the clinic, call the police and they made an arrest on one of the guy. But he is not the one who attack me and so they let him go. But the guy is now missing in action for the police pay a visit to his home and he has not been back.


At 11:19 AM, Blogger DnT Blog Guest said...

shit alan. hope you're ok. how scary. good thing you had pepper spray and were alert. be careful and keep looking after yourself. that's so scary.

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey u okay?
be extra careful & take care!

At 8:57 PM, Blogger case-in-point said...

you poor thing...i'm so glad u had the pepper spray!

hope u r feeling better now,

take care!

At 6:57 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Just a bit of shock and yeah good thing i have the spray. Will bring it for my other USA trip and discard it before flying over to london


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