Sunday, November 27, 2005

my first thanks giving dinner

The landlord is very nice to invite me to her thanks giving dinner with her family.
From the right:
landlord husband, Lee serving the turkey
Don the eldest son, a panio teacher
Micheal the second son, working in a sterilizing biological company

After dinner, the performances by the family band.

From the right:

Katerine, the youngest and only daughter; an artist

Lee Jr. the youngest son, forgot what's he is working as, but he took vocal training when he was younger and thus he is the lead singer in the family band.

Don playing on the electronic organ (did i spell this correctly????)

Micheal, playing the guitar, he used to travel with a performaning band around USA. It is during one of his tour that he met his current wife, michelle

Lee and Micheal playing the table tennis
Guess who won....Lee won 3 out of 3 and micheal refuses to play anymore...hehehehe.....


At 4:12 PM, Blogger case-in-point said...

wow. a traditional thanks giving. aren't u lucky...

where's the low down on the food??? what did u eat?

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Alan said...

hmmm i dont know most of the dishs, only know turkey, pea, potatos, etc....
pumpkin cheesecake


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